Change Order Email

NOTE: As a customer, if you need to update the email address associated with your order you will have to contact the event planner first. 

As a Planner, you can update the email address associated with every order. There are many instances where this might need to happen, but the most common is an accidental typo, such as ".con" rather than .com or ".co.yk" rather than  

You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. Head to the order you need to edit by either using the order search bar or clicking on the relevant event and searching for the attendee's name. The URL will look like "".
  2. When viewing the order, you'd like to edit, click the pencil icon next to the "Customer Email" field.
  3. Enter the new, or amended, email address and click the Tick icon to save your changes. 

Alternatively, you can click the Cross button if you do not want to save changes.

Once saved, the email will be automatically updated, and you won't need to do anything else.

To resend a copy of the attendees tickets you can action this on the same page, at the same time. Read how here:

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