Refund Protect and organisers

If you’re attending an event and want to know more about what Refund Protect covers and how it works, please click here.

What is Refund Protect?
Refund Protect refunds the cost of an entire order in unforeseen circumstances outside your attendees’ control. 

What happens if I don't want to issue refunds?
If you've chosen your tickets to be non-refundable, Refund Protect will be presented to your attendees as an optional extra on the checkout.

If an attendee has bought refund protect and initiates it, you, the event planner, will keep 100% of the ticket revenue generated from the sale and the spare space will be reflected in your events and dashboard. You will not incur any loss. 

Refund protects only protects against the attendee not being able to attend the event due to unforeseen circumstances outside their control. They cannot initiate the refund without evidence

Is it always available for my attendees?
If you haven’t set a refund policy for your event, or you’ve chosen your tickets to be non-refundable, Refund Protect will be presented to your attendees as an optional extra on the checkout.

Will the refund come out of my account?
No. Refund Protect will refund the attendee directly. Event planners will keep 100% of the ticket revenue generated from the sale and the spare space will be reflected on your event and dashboard. 

Does it cost me anything as the event planners?
No. The cost is always paid by the attendee, not the planner. The cost is set at 5.18% of the total order value and is only payable when the attendee checks out their ticket.

  • Refund Protect handles the entire refund process from start to finish
  • Refund Protect will liaise with the attendee to issue the refund, not you
  • No revenues are taken from your account throughout the process 
  • If an attendee refunds through Refund Protect, their ticket revenues will be refunded out of Refund Protect and not you
  • The amount refunded includes any booking fees, the Refund Protect fee, and any extras to ensure a 100% refund 

What does it cover?
If you’re an attendee and want to know more about what Refund Protect covers, please click here.

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